Preferred Share Losses? Invest in "Safe" Shares? Call Our Law firm Right now.


Did you invest in preferred stocks, only to see your investment lose money?
Did you lose more than $100,000?
We may be able to help you get money back.

Our law firm is actively pursuing claims on behalf of people who lost money invested in various preferred stocks. Many of these preferred stocks were sold to investors during 2007 and 2008 when brokers knew or should have known that these stocks were at risk. If you are upset and have losses call us right now for a free consultation and portfolio review.

If you lost more than $100,000 in Preferred Stocks because your broker recommended that you buy:
Ford, GM, Citigroup, ING, RSB, AIG, Bear Stearns or any other loss?
Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac preferred shares
Lehman Brothers Products and Preferred Shares

Call us now at 1-800-934-2921 for a No cost review. We work on contingency fees.

Brokers were aware of many of the Risks but continued to sell risky preferred stocks to Investors Anyway. Many brokerage firms, including UBS, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup aggressively sold these shares.

If you lost substantial money investing in preferred shares through any advisor please call Attorney Bill Kyros at 1-800-934-2921 to discuss your rights.

Kyros Law is a Boston-based law firm with significant experience representing investors in FINRA Arbitration recovery, shareholder class actions, shareholder derivative actions, and securities fraud class actions. For info about our law firm please our Kyros Law web site.

Preferred Stock Losses ?
Contact our law firm now to discuss your options, Toll Free at 1-800-934-2921 for a Free Case Evaluation
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